UPD Mobile is the quintessential mobile application for every member of the UP Diliman community. It provides real time information on news and events around the campus, sourced straight from the administration. It also has a campus map and directory to safeguard all UP Diliman community members from any eventuality.
UPD Mobile is an initiative started by a handful UPD students and professors seeing the need for a unified campus mobile app. Information fed into the application is managed by the UP Diliman offices and admin.
UPD Mobile - это квинтэссенция мобильных приложений для каждого члена сообщества UP Diliman. Он предоставляет информацию в режиме реального времени о новостях и событиях вокруг кампуса, полученных непосредственно от администрации. Он также имеет карту и каталог кампуса, чтобы защитить всех членов сообщества UP Diliman от любой случайности.
UPD Mobile - это инициатива, начатая несколькими учениками UPD и профессорами, которые видят необходимость в объединенном мобильном приложении кампуса. Информация, поданная в приложение, управляется офисами и администратором UP Diliman.
UPD Mobile is the quintessential mobile application for every member of the UP Diliman community. It provides real time information on news and events around the campus, sourced straight from the administration. It also has a campus map and directory to safeguard all UP Diliman community members from any eventuality.
UPD Mobile is an initiative started by a handful UPD students and professors seeing the need for a unified campus mobile app. Information fed into the application is managed by the UP Diliman offices and admin.